Monday, December 3, 2012

AoW 1 - High School Dropout Crisis

School Dropouts Disaster

Background on the Issue:
There are about 3.8 millions of students who would start high school. About one-third of that, which is about 1.3 million of high school students will drops out each year, that's about 7,000 students per day. There are many reasons why students would drop out of their school. Some reasons would be how they would be struggle in their class and eventually give up trying to understand, students would be, miss a lot of school days, teen pregnancy, gang related, getting involve with violence things, or fail many of their requirement subjects. The students that are more likely not going to walk with all their classmates are usually the African-American, Hispanic and/or American Indian teenagers. Asian/Pacific Islander and White are highly have the lowest percentage of students dropping out.
The dropout crisis is dreadful to our society. Furthermore students who dropout are more likely to become involved with crime. Economically, dropouts cost taxpayers billions in public assistances, which could go to education. However many dropouts do eventually earn a diploma or a GED but the benefit of a GED is limited. Dropouts today have minimal skills to function in today’s complex society and will suffer greatly from it. Also a high school diploma is a minimum requirement for most jobs. The result will most likely be students living in poverty.
Students who drop out are more likely would end up being addicted to drugs and alcohol, work in a fast food, can never stay with their job, or end up in behind bars. Many students who drop out always end up having a difficult time trying to find or stay in a job. For most school drop outs, they need a job, especially to the females who got a family to take care of.
Count Word: 302

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